02/16/2013 Meditation Workshop
Lama Jinpa on the importance and benefit of studying the lineage and meditation manuals, keeping our commitments, and relying on the Teacher for the best approach for your own journey.
Orange Manjushri
Today, I had a great honor to receive the Orange Manjushri wang from Ling Rinpoche. I’ve received enough jenangs and wangs since May 2019 that today I walked into the Sera Jey Tehor Khangtsen gompa without apprehension or fear.
Khenchen Rinpoche Six Session Guru Yoga
On Sunday, September 4, Khenchen Rinpoche will continue teaching on the Six Session Guru Yoga, which is among the most important practices of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism. It is also a primary daily practice. Khenchen Rinpoche is uniquely qualified to teach the Six Session Guru Yoga.
Khangser Rinpoche Six Yogas of Naropa Workshop and Initiation
On Saturday, August 20th, Khangser Rinpoche will be teaching on the Six Yogas of Naropa, which are considered to be one of the most important highest yoga practices. On Sunday, August 21, he will initiate attendees into the Six Yogas of Naropa.
Rain is a precious thing. The millions and billions of tiny drumbeats strike upon the earth each day reshuffling water from one place to the next. Rain is amazing.
The image above is the main area where I study. The other area is my bed. The lamp has a rechargeable battery which lasts many hours for when the power goes out — which is frequent.
02/10/2013 Singing Dharma: Mantra and ghandarvas
Lama la teaches about mantra and the musical, vibratory quality of the universe.
Tougher Than We Are
They cleared the jungle, had to grow their food, and also study and debate. Oh, and build the structures. There was some local help, but much of the work was done by the monks themselves.
One Piece or One Kilo?
There are more than a handful of shops on the Sera ‘campus’ — I say campus to differentiate the Monastery grounds from Tibetan settlements just outside, and from Kushalnagar (which I call the “town” at this point) a bit further away.
01/29/2013 – The Truth of the Path and Right Effort
A dharma talk from Lama Jinpa's series on the Four Noble Truths - the Truth of the Path and Right Effort
01/14/2013 The Four Mindfulnesses
A dharma talk from Lama Jinpa on the Song of the Four Mindfulnesses, and the Five-fold Path.
First Entry From India
It’s hard to summarize what’s happened or to give any sort of coherent glimpse of life since I arrived here. Each time I try, it seems too complicated, too amazing, and so I give up. Then several days later I try again, only to find things are even more complicated and amazing. I guess that’s just how things are in life.
First Entry: Travel Documents
I received several notifications that my visa application and materials have been sent back to me from the Indian Consulate in San Francisco today. None of these communications indicate if my application was approved or denied.
12/10/2012 – Ganden Ngamchoe & Lama Jinpa’s Vision of the Future
Lama Tsong Khapa Day 2012 and Lama Jinpa's vision for Lion's Roar, with special guest photojournalist Janine Maparunga
11/17/2012 Meditation and Community
Heart instructions from Lama Jinpa on meditation and community
New Year’s Day 2022 Continuous Sutra Recitation: King of Prayers
On January 1, 2022, Lion's Roar sangha will continuously recite from 9 am to 5 pm the "Prayer for Good Conduct," also known as "The King of Prayers" and "The Prayer of Samantabhadra". We will be using a new (2021) translation of the prayer by Peter Alan Roberts under the auspices of "84,000: Translating the Words of the Buddha"