Donations Gratefully Accepted
Lion’s Roar runs entirely on donations. Your donations help keep our dream alive of spreading Dharma in our community. We are deeply grateful for your contributions which keep our classes and programs running smoothly. Every dollar counts to us and we work hard to use your money wisely. No amount is too small to contribute- $5, $20, $50, means so much to us and the money you donate to Lion’s Roar is completely tax deductible.
Please take a look at our DONOR’S HANDBOOK to get a feel for what we’re doing, learn more about our history and vision, and make your contribution easy and effective!
Many Ways to Help
We have updated our approach to accepting donations. Using the form below, you can choose from many different ways to help, from making membership donations or supporting Sera Je Monastery to making one time, monthly, or annual contributions and helping to send our precious lama on retreat.
Because we are employing a new approach, we want to be certain that you are comfortable. If you have difficulty with the new donation form below, please send questions or concerns to
Become a Member Today!
Use the donation form above to help support Sacramento Dharma! At Lion’s Roar we are training for real life. As a member, you share Lion’s Roar’s vision and interest in creating an enlightened society and want to incorporate mindfulness and loving kindness principles into your own life. Our programs are designed to help support that role in the community. As a member, you make a commitment to support and help fund community mindfulness classes and programs.
Your monthly support means a lot to us! Please consider the value of our programs to the community and in your life when deciding what minimum donation you would like to make a month. To learn more go to Membership Levels
If you would like more information about becoming a member please contact us at or call (916) 492-9007.
Lion’s Roar Dharma Center has been a 501(c)3 church since 1998 and your donation is tax deductible (#68-0404269).
Thank You!
In May 2015 we officially moved in to our home on B Street in East Sacramento. Now we have a wonderful opportunity to make our Dharma Center available to the Sacramento community every day – offering space for events, 12-step programs and community meetings. Our Dharma Center is not just for ourselves, but for all people wishing to benefit others. We also have expanded our capacity to host visiting teachers and become the focal point for American Dharma right here in Sacramento! Thank you everyone for digging deeply into your Dharma practice, your heart, and your pocket, knowing that what we are creating will be for us, the community and generations of people in the future. We offer our deepest appreciation for your donation!