Jhado Rinpoche Kalachakra, Hayagriva, and Palden Lhamo Jenang 2021
The Kalachakra Jenang to be bestowed by Jhado Rinpoche at Lion’s Roar Dharma Center is not a full Kalachakra Wangkur or Empowerment. It is a permission blessing that gives people an introduction to Kalachakra.
11/11/2012 The Truth of the Path/Right Effort
One of Lama Yeshe Jinpa's series of dharma talks on the Four Noble Truths given throughout 2012.
Guided Meditation: The Shambhala Journey
Part three of the guided meditation The Shambhala Journey by Lama Yeshe Jinpa
Guided Meditation: The Shambhala Journey
Part two of the guided meditation The Shambhala Journey by Lama Yeshe Jinpa
Guided Meditation: The Shambhala Journey
Part one of the guided meditation The Shambhala Journey by Lama Yeshe Jinpa
Guided Meditation: The Shambhala Journey
Introduction for the guided meditation The Shambhala Journey by Lama Yeshe Jinpa
Ngari Institute of Buddhist Dialectics Update August 2021
In Honor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Geshe Tsewang Dorje and other dedicated members of Ngari Institute are working tirelessly to Preserve and Spread Dharma Teachings Throughout The World for Generations to Come.
Lama Yeshe Jinpa and Geshe Damchoebaazar Gurjav Celebrate Losar 2148
On February 12, 2021, Lama Yeshe Jinpa and Geshe Damchoebaazar Gurjav celebrated Losar 2148, Year of the Female Iron Ox, with a few students at Do Nga Dargey Temple in Sacramento, California.
Tashi Delek from Sera Je Secondary School
Lama Yeshe Jinpa and Lion's Roar Dharma Center of Sacramento, California, received Losar (Tibetan New Year) greetings for the Iron Ox Year 2148 from students of Sera Je Secondary School in Bylakuppe, India. You can visit their website at https://serajeschool.net/Home for more information and to support their objectives.
Mahamudra, Dreams and Dharma Royalty Part 1
First section of an all-day Dharma teaching about Mahamudra meditation and Vajrayana Buddhism with Lama Yeshe Jinpa in 2017 in Sacramento, California.
Mahamudra, Dreams and Dharma Royalty Part 2
Second section of an all-day Dharma teaching about Mahamudra meditation and Vajrayana Buddhism with Lama Yeshe Jinpa in 2017 in Sacramento, California.
Mahamudra, Dreams and Dharma Royalty Part 3
Third section of an all-day Dharma teaching about Mahamudra meditation and Vajrayana Buddhism with Lama Yeshe Jinpa in 2017 in Sacramento, California.
Mahamudra, Dreams and Dharma Royalty Part 4
Fourth section of an all-day Dharma teaching about Mahamudra meditation and Vajrayana Buddhism with Lama Yeshe Jinpa in 2017 in Sacramento, California.
Mahamudra, Dreams and Dharma Royalty Part 5
Fifth and final section of an all-day Dharma teaching about Mahamudra meditation and Vajrayana Buddhism with Lama Yeshe Jinpa in 2017 in Sacramento, California.
JM Knudsen Lends His Vision to the Kalachakra Mural
Jonny has been working on the Kalachakra mural and Autumn Payne captured some of it on video for your viewing pleasure. The lines are done in marker and will be painted over. The technique is an old one -- used for centuries by artists like Michelangelo. He used simple tools: a level and a ladder. Feel free to drive or walk by and see the progress!
Andrew Smith: Meeting this Moment and Bringing it to the Dharma
January 17, 2021: We are unquestionably living through one of the most unstable times in modern memory. This is extracting a stressful toll on most of us while simultaneously many of our usual coping strategies aren't available. Sangha member Andrew Smith shares some thoughts on bringing this moment to the dharma.