

Dirk Johnson: Yeshe Tsogyal

January 3rd, 2021|

On January 3, 2021, sangha member Dirk Johnson spoke about Yeshe Tsogyal (8th Century CE), whom many consider to be the first Tibetan, male or female, to achieve enlightenment. In one way or another, virtually all Dzogchen lineages trace back to her. Her importance to the establishment and continuation of Buddhism in Tibet is incalculable.

Kalachakra Mandala Added to LRDC Mural

November 25th, 2020|Tags: , |

As part of our Kalachakra Mural project, located on the back wall of Lion’s Roar Dharma Center, the center piece was recently installed: a 5f-oot by 5-foot printed Kalachakra mandala. The image was given to us by Namgyal Monastery. The upper part of the mural is in the works, and we eagerly await its completion! Below is a photo record of the day it was mounted.

Morris Newman: Buddhism and Hasidism

November 22nd, 2020|

On November 22, 2020, sangha member Morris Newman talked about how Buddhism has many points of comparison with other spiritual paths, including the mystical Jewish tradition of Hasidism. As in Buddhism, Hasidism relies heavily on an oral tradition of anecdotes and saying of celebrated spiritual leaders. Morris, who spent six years living and studying in a Hasidic community in his 20s, retells many of the stories he heard personally, and relates them to Dharma practice.

Autumn Payne: Daily Life and Obstacles as the Path

November 8th, 2020|

On November 8, 2020, sangha member Autumn Payne shared a look inside a her busy life. She's a mother of two young children, a business owner, an educator, a wife and a refuge student of Lama Jinpa. Finding time for meditation, also called, the "training" is challenging, but the opportunity for Buddhist practice when life is busy is plenty. In this talk, Autumn will explore how the dharma is practiced in her daily life and how obstacles can become the way of the path.

Kalachakra Mandala Blessing Ceremony

October 11th, 2020|Tags: , |

Today we were joined by Geshe Damchoe and Lama Jinpa to bless the Kalachakra mural. After a few words about Lion's Roar's mission and history, as well dedication to dharma, Lama Jinpa and Geshe Damchoe tell how the image which is the center piece was found with the help our Geshe Tsewang. The local artist, Jonny Knudson, who will be completing the mural, was on hand to talk about his experiences with dharma.

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