12. Drive all blames into one

  • This is the Second Slogan/Instruction of Point Three, which consists of six instructions.
  • Point Three is “Transforming Adversity into the Path of Awakening”. 

We all suffer in this cycle of existence;
As I search down to its foundation for the root,
I see the king, the thought “I am,” which resides
In the palace of my heart in the midst of false conceptions.

When I banish all blame onto this and combat it, what does it say?
“I have been here since beginningless time.
I pervade everywhere— inner, outer , and in between;
Ask all the chiefs , the six classes of consciousness, whether this is true or false!”

from “The Poison Peacock’s Neutralizing of Poison” (attributed to Dharmaraksita) in Mind Training: The Great Collection, Thupten Jinpa

Color on cloth; overall: 40.6 x 35.6 cm (16 x 14 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art

Mandala, late 15th century. Nepal,. Color on cloth; overall: 40.6 x 35.6 cm (16 x 14 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art