Lineage Family of Lion’s Roar Dharma Center


Jhado Rinpoche

Jhado Rinpoche

On February 21st, 2018 our beloved Heart Lineage Teacher Kyabje Jhado Rinpoche taught on Milarepa’s poem of blending meditation and action – when meditation and action are joined, we can awaken in this very lifetime. Milarepa’s perseverance, practice and devotion has inspired generations of Dharma students.


Khangser Rinpoche

Jhado Rinpoche

Khangser Rinpoche is a highly educated teacher who completed his studies from Sera Jey Monastery in India. He travels frequently to teach and engage in chaplaincy in Mongolia, Taiwan, Vietnam and his home country of Nepal.  On May 28th, 2017, he visited us and taught about The Seven Points of Mind Training. To learn more about Khangser Rinpoche please visit his website at: