48. Train in all areas without partiality

  • This is the Tenth Slogan/Instruction of Point Seven, which consists of twenty-one instructions.
  • Point Seven is “Guidelines for Mind Training”

It is stated that being angry and vengeful toward enemies and adversaries who are right there in your presence comes about on the basis of frequent interactions. Thus, from one angle, there is a real risk of losing your mind training in relation to those who simply appear repulsive, those who harbor ill-will against you even though you have caused them no harm, and those you find undesirable even though they harbor no ill-will toward you. Therefore single these people out for special focus, and train your mind by perceiving them as parts of your own heart. Furthermore, because your spiritual teachers, parents, and bodhisattvas are objects of special significance— the fruitional effects are inconceivably [grave] if you accumulate negative karma in relation to them— single them out [for special focus] and engage in the training.

“A Commentary on the “Seven-Point Mind Training” by Sé Chilbu Chökyi Gyaltsen (1121– 89), in Mind Training: The Great Collection translated by Thupten Jinpa

Wood; overall: 43.8 cm (17 1/4 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art

Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, 900-1200. Himalyas, probably Tibet. Wood; overall: 43.8 cm (17 1/4 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art