Dharma Talk

Andrew Smith: Meeting this Moment and Bringing it to the Dharma


January 17, 2021: We are unquestionably living through one of the most unstable times in modern memory. This is extracting a stressful toll on most of us while simultaneously many of our usual coping strategies aren't available. Sangha member Andrew Smith shares some thoughts on bringing this moment to the dharma.

Andrew Smith: Meeting this Moment and Bringing it to the Dharma2021-01-30T13:58:32-08:00

Dirk Johnson: Yeshe Tsogyal


On January 3, 2021, sangha member Dirk Johnson spoke about Yeshe Tsogyal (8th Century CE), whom many consider to be the first Tibetan, male or female, to achieve enlightenment. In one way or another, virtually all Dzogchen lineages trace back to her. Her importance to the establishment and continuation of Buddhism in Tibet is incalculable.

Dirk Johnson: Yeshe Tsogyal2021-01-30T13:59:21-08:00

James Meyer: Motivation to Practice


On December 6, 2020, sangha member James Meyer explored motivation to practice. Whether we are trying to go on an exciting vacation, looking for a new job, helping a family member thru college or trying to liberate our mind from mental afflictions and confusion, motivation is key to maintaining ongoing effort and accomplishing our goals.

James Meyer: Motivation to Practice2021-01-28T10:55:46-08:00

Morris Newman: Buddhism and Hasidism


On November 22, 2020, sangha member Morris Newman talked about how Buddhism has many points of comparison with other spiritual paths, including the mystical Jewish tradition of Hasidism. As in Buddhism, Hasidism relies heavily on an oral tradition of anecdotes and saying of celebrated spiritual leaders. Morris, who spent six years living and studying in a Hasidic community in his 20s, retells many of the stories he heard personally, and relates them to Dharma practice.

Morris Newman: Buddhism and Hasidism2021-01-28T10:48:01-08:00

Autumn Payne: Daily Life and Obstacles as the Path


On November 8, 2020, sangha member Autumn Payne shared a look inside a her busy life. She's a mother of two young children, a business owner, an educator, a wife and a refuge student of Lama Jinpa. Finding time for meditation, also called, the "training" is challenging, but the opportunity for Buddhist practice when life is busy is plenty. In this talk, Autumn will explore how the dharma is practiced in her daily life and how obstacles can become the way of the path.

Autumn Payne: Daily Life and Obstacles as the Path2021-01-28T10:38:58-08:00

Jesus Sanchez: Azteca & Traditional Healing Practices of Mexico


On October 18, 2020, we were joined by our close friend Jesus Sanchez. Jesus is a member of Quetzalcoatl Citlalli Aztec, who shared their sacred dance and blessings with Lion's Roar in the Fall of 2019. Jesus shared with us more of the traditions and history of this lineage.

Jesus Sanchez: Azteca & Traditional Healing Practices of Mexico2021-01-28T10:07:35-08:00
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