2021 Kalachakra In Person Registration Completion
Complete Your Registration
Please complete your in-person registration for in-person attendance of Jhado Rinpoche’s teaching and Kalachakra Empowerment, Friday and/or Saturday, December 3 and 4, 2021, by making your donation below.
If you have reached this page but have not received and completed a registration for in-person attendance of these teachings, please contact Lion’s Roar Administration at info@lionsroardharmacenter.org.
Payment Alone Does Not Constitute Registration
You must complete a separate registration to attend this event in person. If you haven’t completed a registration form for this activity, a donation will NOT automatically register you. If you wish to make a donation but have not registered for in-person attendance of the teachings, please visit https://lionsroardharmacenter.org/donate and make a donation there. Thank you!