Lion’s Roar Dharma Center Events Calendar

Lion’s Roar Dharma Center runs entirely on donations. We don’t charge for attending our programs, whether online or at Do Nga Dargey Temple. Please consider making a one-time or an on-going donation. No amount is too small, but because of processing fees we can’t accept donations smaller than $3 online.

If you are using Safari on iPhone, iPad, or Mac and see a Google capcha, please either go to LRDC Google Calendar to view the calendar or, on your device go to Settings then click on Safari, scroll down and uncheck “Prevent Cross-site Tracking.”

Lion’s Roar Dharma Center Online Events Calendar

If you are using Safari on iPhone, iPad, or Mac and see a Google capcha, please either go to LRDC Google Calendar to view the calendar or, on your device go to Settings then click on Safari, scroll down and uncheck “Prevent Cross-site Tracking.”